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Does this sound familiar?

You’re mindlessly eating chips while you type, erase, & retype the proposal that your team is waiting for. 


You stayed up late watching Seinfeld for the umpteenth time because you knew when you shut the TV off your mind would continue to race.


Or you finished that bottle of wine way faster than you meant to...again.


Nobody wakes up & thinks “I want to be lonely today”


And yet this kind of checking out only serves to isolate you & take you further away from what you want even...even if you don’t know exactly what you want, you know you don’t want this!


And then you’re really hard on yourself because everyone else seems to have this shit all figured out. 


Everyone else has tons of friends & does fun stuff with them even in a pandemic & their kids aren’t struggling…


So you stew about what’s not working & have a date with Ben & Jerry. 

Except NOT everyone has it together, but you wouldn’t know that because NO ONE talks about it. 

We see what people’s lives look like from the outside & compare it to what is going on on our inside & feel like crap. 

So we hide…& eat, & watch Netflix, & shop for stuff we don’t need or can’t afford and we wake up feeling exactly the same. 

Imagine what it would feel like to have an honest conversation where another woman shares how her life is going & you’re vigorously nodding along because it sounds exactly like your experience. 


How would it feel to hear MORE than one woman describe that?


Would it help you feel less alone?! Hell yes it would!!


The first time I opened up in a women’s group & realized other women had the same struggles, I stopped brutalizing myself so much. It was the first time I realized I wasn’t totally abnormal & weird. I’d been judging & beating myself up my whole life until I saw that I wasn’t alone. That is really when the tide started to turn for me. 


What could it do for you to be real in a safe space with a group of women who are there to learn, grow, & connect?


What could you discover about you...and maybe just maybe start to accept about yourself instead of fighting or avoiding?

  That's what it's like inside...


This GC is...


A safe space where you get to be the real you without fear of judgement or gossip.


Where you can hear yourself & your experiences in other women’s stories & KNOW you’re not alone...or a weirdo...or an outlier. 


A place to witness other women make choices that you didn’t even know were possible & start to reimagine what you want.  


A group of women who are all in for growth & connection.


Women who are…


Sick of bending themselves into a pretzel to be “acceptable”.


Done with feeling not good enough.


Ready for something different. 


The GC is a place to create girlfriends & collaborations.


Where you can generate confidence.

And get coaching from me on all the crappy thoughts in your head that are making you feel stuck & alone.

If you’ve been craving connection but don’t know where to find it or are afraid to open up

The GC is different from other group programs because:


The women who are attracted to my groups & retreats have HUGE hearts. They are committed to their own growth AND to supporting the women around them to become the best version of themselves too.


One of my superpowers is creating spaces that feel safe & supportive. You’ll be surrounded by women who are ready to be open, vulnerable, & are both ready to cheer for you or hold your hand when you need it. 


The GC isn’t a band-aid fix. We won’t simply repeat positive affirmations & call it a day. You’ll learn simple, implementable tools that you can put into action right away. 


You’ll learn strategies to disarm your fears; they will no longer dictate how you operate or feel. 


This is where doubt & loneliness meet their match.

Spend time inside The GC community & you will…


Experience genuine, unwavering female friendship & support.  


Stop feeling alone (even in a house full of people)


Recognize when you’re beating the crap out of yourself & shift out of that (it’s possible, I promise!)


Stop feeling crabby, barking & people, & then beating yourself up for snapping in the first place.


Stop hiding & feel connected.


There’ll be time for collaboration, open sharing, connection, celebrating & feedback. I’ll share tools to help move through what’s holding you back or making you feel lousy AND there’ll be on the spot coaching to help master what we’re learning & get you closer to what you really want...even if you don’t know what that is right now.

Inside The GC you'll get:

2 virtual meetings/month


  1. Gathering Calls are for checking in, sharing, & connecting.

  2. Gem calls include coaching tools tailored to what the group needs & could include topics such as: saying no, speaking up, asking for what you need, how to feel better, or shifting your inner shit talk. That will be followed by open Q&A and discussion.


All calls are recorded if you miss one or want to re-watch


A private Facebook group just for GC members where we:

  • Connect

  • Clarify


  • Give & get support

  • Find call recordings & resources

PLUS bonus calls


1. TWO Get Crap Done days per quarter-this is focused co-working time. Bring a work project, take us in your closet that you've been meaning to organize, get those thank you notes addressed...whatever needs your attention bring that. We'll declare what we're working on & check in while we're working. Plus I'll be there to coach you through if you're stuck or procrastinating.

2. Special guest stars-guest experts on relevant topics such as time management, imposter syndrome, feminine leadership, etc. 

3. Book club-once per quarter-we collectively choose a book on a related topic & discuss. 


You get the calls, the support, the connection, tools to help you step into where you want to go, coaching from me, the space to interact with one another both on video & in the FB group & the bonus calls...


all for only $97/month. 


What's coming up inside The GC?

🌟June 14 Gem Call: How to have difficult conversations at 5:00 pm pacific

🌟June 28 Gathering call. This is an open coaching call where we celebrate successes, bring concerns, get support, and really connect with each other at noon pacific

🌟July 12 Gem Call: LOVE your body at 5:00 pm pacific

🌟July 26 Gathering call at noon pacific.

Cancel Anytime

You've probably tried all kinds of things to feel better, to speak up, to gain confidence, & to find people you can trust. 

It's hard to decide if something's worth your time & money.

Finding YOUR solution & YOUR comfort level is personal. This isn't a one size fits all program. That's why I provide lots of options for sharing & connection both live & in our FB group. AND if you don't like to speak up, there will be nuggets for you in what others share. 

Not a good fit? Email us & we'll cancel your membership-it's really that simple. 

This is a MONTH-TO-MONTH membership. We suggest you stay for 3 months to get the results you're looking for. 

Most of our members have been here since day one!

**There are no refunds for past months. Cancel before your next billing cycle to avoid payment for the next month. Once you cancel your membership you lose access to the content & group**

I can't wait to meet you inside The GC!

Who is Jen Sherwood?

I come from a long line of worriers. If this pandemic had happened 10 years ago things would look very different for me. I'd be sitting in a pit of despair with no clue how to get out & feeling pretty isolated.

I know now that part of my worry came from a general sense of not feeling good enough. I was worried about being judged, saying “something stupid”, being awkward, that I wasn’t a good mom, that I was going to EFF up my kids, or that someday after 27 years of being together that my husband would suddenly decide I really wasn’t as cool or fun as he thought & would leave.


What a load of BS to carry around eh?

I was also pretty afraid to really connect with other women. Earlier interactions-probably not unlike your own-left me wary to open up or trust. 

But, the first time I opened up in a women’s group & realized other women had the same struggles, I stopped brutalizing myself so much. It was the first time I realized I wasn’t totally abnormal & weird.

I’d been judging & beating myself up my whole life until I saw that I WASN'T ALONE! That is really when the tide started to turn for me.

That’s what getting real in a safe space with women who want to learn, grow, & connect can do.✨

Today things look VERY different for me. I'm a certified coach, speaker, & I lead women's retreats & groups. That's my favorite!! I'm passionate about bringing women together & watching the magic we create together.  


The women I work with tend to feel overwhelmed, pulled between the demands of work and home, rarely make time for themselves and worry that this is as good as it gets. I help them move themselves up on the priority list so they can build a life they LOVE, not just tolerate.

The GC is for you if:

👉You're done with feeling alone (even in a house full of people!).

👉You're sick of doing what you think you should

👉You've isolated yourself because it doesn't feel safe or acceptable to share your opinions in the relationships you do have.

👉You're ready to feel comfortable in your own skin.

👉You want genuine, authentic relationships but you're afraid to reach out or have no idea where/how to find them. 

👉You've waited long enough to have a place where you can be REAL.

This is it. 

Don't let another day go by where you find yourself at the bottom of a bag of Doritos & have no idea how you got there.

The time warp of 2020 continues. There was no magic reset on 1/1/'s been a damn long time of fear, stress, & isolation.

Come...sit in the space...feel what it's like to really be connected to the community & with yourself. 

You'll see that allowing yourself to be in community helps you show up in the world the way that you want to...for yourself & for the people you love.

You'll enjoy your life more, not just tolerate it - even in a pandemic. 


You have questions, I have answers:

 ❖ Do I really need to spend money on this now?

Staying at home, not socializing like normal, and the pandemic itself have added an extra layer of fear and pressure to us. That is not changing anytime soon. Wouldn’t it be awesome to weather the rest of this storm from a place of confidence, joy, and not snapping at our people? The value of what you walk away with from this experience is priceless and may just save your relationships. Is that worth it to you?


 ❖ I don’t have time for this right now. 

If you struggle with finding the time for everything, when will you think you’re not too busy? 

 ❖ I’m not sure I’m at the right level for this. I’ve never done a group or coaching before. 

While my groups aren’t fluffy, you don’t have to have any previous experience to benefit from the work. I won’t leave anyone behind. Remember one of my super powers is creating a safe space, so you can feel comfortable to say you don’t understand or ask for clarification. The women who are attracted to my events are at all levels of experience. We learn from each other as well as the content I bring. 

 ❖ What if I can't make every call in-person?

All calls will be recorded. You can find the links to them inside our private Facebook community. That means they're also available to re-watch if you'd like.

It will change the way you look
at just about everything. 


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